Genau wie deine Zeit ist auch meine Zeit kostbar.

Für den vereinbarten Zeitraum sage ich andere berufliche und private Termine ab und reserviere dieses Zeitfenster exklusiv für dich. Aus diesem Grund benötige ich eine Anzahlung von 20%. Es gab in der Vergangenheit Buchungen, die mehrmals hin- und her verschoben und dann doch kurzfristig storniert wurden. Ich danke dir für dein Verständnis und deine Wertschätzung meiner Zeit.

Die Anzahlung kann diskret per Banküberweisung oder anonyme virtuelle Geschenkkarte an meine Emailadresse gesendet werden.


Just like your time, my time is precious as well.

A deposit of 20% is needed because I have to cancel and block other professional and private appointments for the agreed period. Unfortunately, there have been several fraudulent bookings, or bookings that have been rescheduled or canceled multiple times, and that at the last minute and fictive reason. Thank you for your understanding and appreciation of my time.

The deposit can be sent discreetly as a bank transfer or an anonymous virtual gift card to my email adress.


Are you really the girl on the pictures?

Absolutely yes! All pictures you see on this website are mine and you will meet the same person from the photos in front of your door.

Why did you choose to work as an GFE Escort?

I am often asked why I have decided to go in for escort business. I can say one thing – I like doing something that makes other people feel great! I know how to leave a man happy and satisfied. I treat everyone with respect and expect the same attitude towards me. I love living my double life.

What is your understanding of the Girlfriend Experience?

As a real GFE, I think a date is more fulfilling when we take time to enjoy it. I prefer longer meetings of at least 2 hours, which allow us to get to know each other and let things happen naturally. GFE is much more than just sex. With me you will experience an authentic and intimate connection – with just the right amount of naughtiness ;)

Are your rates negotiable?

I’m sorry, but the answer is no. My fees fully reflect my high level. Furthermore, I have a deep imagination of true Gentleman, which will never bargain with a Lady. Please, do not ask for any discounts – you will only lose my respect as a result.

What is your usual clientele?

Mostly, they are businessmen who come to Zurich or Switzerland occasionally for their business purposes and would like to pass their remaining time with a beautiful elegant lady and to have a relaxing & blissful evening. They are successful, well-educated, highly selective and have an impeccable taste as well as refined manners. Most of them become my returning clientele, even after few years. :)

Can you travel abroad?

Yes, of course, I am passport-ready and love FMTY dates (Fly Me To You dates)

Do you make encounters with women or couples?

Yes I do – I am bi-curious ;)